Monday, August 24, 2009

hilang nye mimpi indah..

mmg perit rase nye bile hilang nye mimpi indah...
tp itu sume bkn slh ak..bkn slh die jugak..
dh mmg takdir..kite x mampu nk halang...
ak x kesah pon bile rumate2 ak kte ak jual mhl..
bkn ak jual mhl..cume ak keliru mase 2...
sme ade btl die suke atau main2..
dgn keadaan die ske main tarik tali...sesiape sje akn keliru..
menyesal ke ak..???
aku agak terkilan bile dpt tahu die ngn orang lain..
dlm mse yg x seberape lme..die bley cr lain..
sedangkan dh bpe byk perkataan syg die bg kt ak..
mayb bg die perkataan 2 hanya main2 sje..
tp bkn pd ak..
mungkn slh ak jugak sbb terlalu ikutkn perasaan..
dh mungkin slh ak jugak sbb x pernah jujur pd die..
mmg die penah ak anggp sume 2 mainan sahaje..
kalo blh diputarkn blk mse..alangkh indah nye..
tapi ak redha dgn sume ni....allah lebh mengetahui yg terbaik buat umat nye..
ak doakn die bahagie disamping pompuan 2...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

fRee tiMe!!!!

akhir nye..abeh jugak mggu yg plng menyeksa kn..
huh..memang berasap la mggu fnl..
skunk nie ak ngh berpoye2...hehe..
nk ganti blk sume tido ak yg dh kne curi mse mggu fnl..
2 bln la ak x pegang pen or pensel nnt...
tp yg pntg skunk ak kne packing barang..
disebabkan ump nie x suke susahkn studnt ump...
die suh kami bawak sume barang blk..
yg duk jauh ley simpn barang kt stor...
stor die dekat je pon...blok 12 tgkt 3..
mmg terbukti la ump nie sayang studnt die...
nk patah pinggang ak angkt kotak buku member2 ak..
pasnie ak dh ley ganti malik noor...
pas2 ak kne blk nek bas..
disebabkan family ak sume de kt bentong...
so ak kne g sne..suppose ak blk perak.. ne nie...penah plak la ak g bentong 2..
cam de aura2 ak nk sesat je nie..
so perlu ke ak prepare compass ngn ak nie..??
ke ak kne ikut arah sungai mengalir je..??
ak rse ikut arah bintang ak blk tgh de bintang...
ish..serabut ak wat ever it is..ak mmg kne harung gak..
sesat pon sesat la..last2 smpai gak nnt..hehe..

p/s: ump syang maksud tersurat n tersirat sbnr nye..

Sunday, April 12, 2009

hEpi + mAkAn timE...

hepi gilos ak smlm..
ak ngn beberape org membr ak kuar mkn...
nk celebrate besday gurl gak..
aja tembam dh tue..hoho...
kitounk g nek kancil..
6 org sumbat dlm 1 kancil..
mmg cam sardin dah rupe...
kitounk g mkn kt kedai tepi shell...
nme kdai 2..?ak pon x taw...lapo sgt..
ak x nmpk nme kdai 2..nmpak mknn je...
tp ak pggl kdai shell jek...
yg pasti nye tomyam die..
pergh..mmg KAW2 r...
pekat gile..pedas...
bes gile layan tomyam smlm...
mmg MASYUK r...hoho..

ak ngn fit...sengeh jgn x sengeh...
nk amek gmbr nie..cover2....
mke hepi jew...padahal perut lapo gile..
mcm2 lagu dh kuar...

nie mse ngh tggu nk order mknn..terbayang2 dah mknn dlm pale otak ak nie..
kalo ley scan otak ak nie..penuh ngn gmbr mknn..x de gmbr len dah..
punye la lapo...

kak fiza n aja a.k.a besday gurl...

kila ngn syikin...

pergh..mke ak plg x ley bla...seyes gile..nk pilih menu je nk jwb exam plak..

alala...senyum2 plak...pilih2..jgn malu2..wat cam restoran sendiri ek..
ak pkai duet korunk la ek..huhu...

ak ngn udang goreng tepung..femes udang 2..siap msk blog ag..hehe..

nie mknn ak ngn fit..byk gilos...makan time...

ni la udang goreng tepung...salad jew ke..??
letak la skali tomato ke..timun ke...
x pon bunge ke..bru nmpk cantik sket..
tapi pape pon mmg sedap gile r...

tomyam die mmg SUPERB r...marveles gilak...

nie mknn ak ngn fit...nasi putih..ngn tom yam..
ak nye tom yam ayam..
fit nye tom yam putih..
ngn udang...
air..laici ngn oren...
nmpk x air dlm gelas pendek 2...??
2 la air yg plng istimewe skali..
sedap siot...air feveret juice..hehe..

sotong grng tepung..nyum2...

makanan kila n syikin...
daging msk kicap..
sedap siot...

perut kenyang..hati suke...
muke kekenyangan sorang2...
pergh..licin pinggan..abeh sume mknn..
pendek kate..x rugi r kalo dtg mkn kt cni..
yg pasti nye...ak akan dtg lagi kt restoran nie...

Saturday, April 11, 2009


dear diary...

shit sial je ko nie...damn it!!!!
arghh!!!!kalo la ak bley ckp cm 2...
kt saudari i2...
x de la sakit sgt ati ak nie...
cm siot je r...
npe la sume org yg dekat ngn ak ske sgt sakitkn ati ak...
diounk igt ak x de pasaan ke..?
taw la ak slaloo hepi go lucky..
gelak je even org 2 ngh sakitkn ati ak..
tp igt la sket sis...
ak pon manusia gak...bkn robot...
taw plak ko nanges ble org sakitkn ati ko..
tp kalo ko sktkn ati org len..ko x pikir..
argh!!!!bengang nye ak..npe la ak jumpe manusia cm ko nie..
ko taw x...semak idup ak nie....ngn org cm ko..
ske2 ati ko jew nk mrh ak..dpn org len...ats silap yg ko sndiri wt...
pas2 ko slhkn ak..
pe bende nie...????!!!!
tahniah la..ko dpt wt ak skt ati + bengang + sedey + titiskan air mte...
ko taw x..??? menyesal ak de membr cm ko nie....
jgn smpai 1 hari ak menyampah tgk mke ko..
at dat time..kalo ko mati pon ak dh x kesah...

Friday, April 10, 2009

hati yg terluke....

dear diary...

kwn sejati..sanggup ssh n senang sme2...
ade ke...????
ak x caye ngn sume 2...
dlm hidup ak x de kwn sejati...
sorang pn x de!!!
mse ssh cr ak...time ak ssh..sume lari...
bkn nk ungkit...
tp ak pn de perasaan gak...taw kecik ati gak...
ble time ak senang..word yg slaloo ak dgr...
ko la best fren ak..
i hate 2 hear those kind of shitt!!!!
x pe la...biar r die wat ak cm 2...
ak dh x kesah...ak dh x nk pikir pn psl die!!!!
go 2 hell la...!!!
ak hrp 1 day..die sedar yg die penah wt ak nanges..
menangis untuk sorang kawan yg ak anggp bes fren...
tp bkn pde die...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Did i ReAD iT riGhT?

just in case batman forget...

Then, how should i get?mayb the exit...

hope de emergencies not too urgent...

to calm those stressed rabbit..

NO! the other right!!

oOps!! nOt sEcRet aNymOrE!!

tiPs hoW to tAke cAre ur Lp...


As the proud owner of a laptop computer, you will want to keep your machine in the best possible condition. Aside from cleaning your screen and dusting the keyboard, however, you’ll need to take a few extra steps to maintain your laptop’s health.
Here are some tips on how to take care of it :

1. A laptop generates a lot of heat, especially when running the latest high-powered software. Always try to keep your laptop in a well-ventilated, cool environment and ensure you don’t block the fan grills.
2. Avoid touching or playing with your LCD screen. Yes, it might be fun to watch the waves generated by your finger against the screen, but LCD displays are fragile devices that must be cared for.
3. Whatever you do, don’t drop your laptop computer! Keep it safe inside of a carrying case when moving around or travelling.
4. Be careful with those drinks. If you need to have a drink while working or playing, be careful not to spill it. Your laptop computer could suffer the consequences from just a few drops of liquid poured in the right places.
5. Security wise, make sure you obtain an anti-virus program.
6. Pop-ups are particularly annoying on a laptop computer. Trying to close a bunch of windows without a regular mouse can be a nuisance. It’s best to get yourself a blocker and avoid the situation entirely.
7. Always utilize a firewall on your internet or network- enabled laptop computer. Blocking out all the unnecessary ports and closing all the loopholes will prevent a hacker or virus from freely entering your hard drive.